Registration costs are as follows
Early bird registration (before 30th June 2014)
Normal £250
Student £150
Late registration (1st July onwards)
Normal £300
Student £200
Conference dinner £40 (spaces limited)
Registration fees include a conference pack, book of abstracts, lunches and tea/coffee breaks.
Abstract submission
Authors must indicate whether they intend to give an oral or poster presentation. Please note that we are unlikely to be able to accommodate all offers of oral presentations; applicants who are unsuccessful in applying for an oral presentation will be offered the opportunity to present a poster instead.
Abstracts must be accompanied by a completed and paid registration form and will not be included in the conference volume unless they are submitted in the format indicated below by 31 July 2014.
All abstracts and presentations must be in English. Speakers must contact the organisers if they require special audio/visual equipment.
Format instructions:
Abstracts should be pasted into the box provided on the registration form or attached as a Word document.
Authors names should be provided in full, together with affiliations (full address) and contact email address.
The abstract text should not exceed 350 words and no references should be cited.
Abstracts submitted should be sent as Microsoft Word files.
Please use the following format:
Title (12pt, centered)
Authors (10 pt, centered, presenting author underlined; use superscript numbers to indicate institutional affiliation)
Institutions (10pt, centered; in this order: Number (superscript), Department, Institution, City, Country)
Presenting Author email
Abstract (11pt, no indentation, justified, 350 words maximum)